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Destination Gateway is the ForwardKeys data solution for DMOs keen to benchmark their destinations against rival destinations via data covering flight connectivity, destination performance and marketing campaigns.

And now it has gotten even better by a new Travel Recovery Model reflecting real-time travel intent based on flight search data. Covering the globe, the dataset includes around 100 million searches a day.

  • Discover the top markets searching for flights for your destination
  • Understand the recovery of outbound travel for the markets relevant to your destination
  • Plan a competitive campaign after analysing two destinations in one simple overview

In response to the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the travel industry, ForwardKeys have made it possible to monitor travel intent among the top markets searching for your destination and thereby gain insight into emerging new markets.

  • Identify the top 15 countries interested to travel to your destination
  • Spot sudden changes in travel intent by market, which may be caused by the adjustment of travel restrictions
  • Compare search behaviour between each market
  • Understand your market share based on how many searches your destination receives as a proportion of total global searches
  • Compare and benchmark your market share versus your competitors
  • Determine, by market, when you can expect travellers to arrive at your destination based on the travel start date they are looking for.

The Inbound Recovery Index in the Recovery module shows how your destination, competitors and/or sub-destinations are recovering compared to pre-pandemic levels. The module has now been expanded with another index showing how your origin markets are recovering in terms of outbound travel.

This allows you to see if there is pent-up demand in those markets and which markets are currently more likely to travel internationally. You can analyse outbound recovery for either domestic travel, international travel, or both.

Setting up competitive marketing campaigns has now become easier than ever. You may want to compare your results against the results of a competitor (or one of your other sub-destinations). This is now possible in the Marketing module with just two clicks!

Watch this space for further upgrades as we’re continuously improving Destination Gateway to better serve your needs.



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