The APAVT Congress

The 46th Congress of the Portuguese Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies

The city of Aveiro, also known as the “Venice of Portugal’, will host from lst to 3rd December the 46th Congress of the Portuguese Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies (APAVT), a congress considered by the press and industry in general as the main forum for national tourism debate, this time having been named “Reencontro’, a baptism that, according to the association, is justified because “this is one of the unique characteristics of the APAVT congresses” and because “due to the nature of the distribution activity, they are forums that allow the reencounter of fellow travel agents, reencounter with partners from airlines, accommodation, rent-a-car, tourist entertainment and many other activities, reencounter with politicians and government officials, with journalists, reencounter with the confidence in the ability to overcome, together, all obstacles and difficulties’, adding that “above all, APAVT congresses are scenarios of hugs”.
For Pedro Costa Ferreira, president of APAVT, “this will be a ‘Reencontro” with colleagues, with Aveiro, with the Center of Portugal, and with the future, and will have as one of the main topics under discussion the “recovery of our business’, with Ribau Esteves, Mayor of Aveiro, taking on the commitment of an organization of “excellence with lots of news and surprises”.

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Speaker: ForwardKeys – Juan Gómez


Dec 01 - 03


All Day

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