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Analysis (a group of parameters)

A group of parameters to be defined for the query result display details. It includes: Booking Signs, Scale (for analysis time period), (Geographical) Granularity (for Trip Origin markets), Analysis POI Arrival/Departure Points Type, and Categorisation.

Analysis POI Arrival/Departure Points Type

An advanced parameter for the geographical granularity to what extent that the Arrival or Departure Points are shown in the query result. It can range from airport terminals level to subcontinent level, subject to contractual specifications.

Average Fares – USD

The query result display for Fares dataset, the average fares are calculated for the ticketed months in US Dollars, with exchange rates applied at the time of ticketing. Average Fares do not include taxes and fees but do include agent commissions.


A segmentation in the Trip Attributes group of parameters, indicating the seating class booked for the traveller’s trip: Economy, Economy Premium, Business, and First classes. The highest cabin class of the entire trip is displayed. ForwardKeys receives cabin code information for more than 400 airlines from a third-party company and applies it to the air reservations in their database. Cabin information is also available in Capacity data.

Calendar Heatmap

An interactive tool available in all analysis views. Calendar heatmap displays the time scale selected and is colour-coded with the performance of each of the time units (displayed in days, weeks, months, quarters, etc.). Selecting a specific time period in the calendar heatmap adjusts the query result display accordingly. When the time scale is daily granularity, specific days of the week can be included/excluded by checking/unchecking the boxes next to their names. When the time scale is daily or weekly granularity, calendar heatmap can be switched to a more aggregated granularity (daily, switch to weekly or monthly, weekly switch to monthly) using the drop-down menu in the top-left corner.


A display parameter in the Analysis group of parameters that define the categorisation of the query results. By default, query results are categorised depending on the selected module. Default categorisation can be customised in “Definitions & Preferences” menu.


The number of travellers departing from their Trip Origin(s) (airport / city / region / country / sub-continent), according to the confirmed air reservations that are recorded in the reservation systems feeding ForwardKeys.


An export option in the tool bar, to export query results as excel files (.xls).


An advanced export option in the tool bar. If there are more than 15 locations in the query being analysed, depending on the user’s contractual specifications, this file includes the details for all locations in one excel file (.xls). This export is heavier and takes more time to generate than the standard Excel export.

Exclude Domestic

A useful option in any location filter (Trip Origin, Destinations, Inbound Getaways, and Further Destinations) to exclude domestic arrivals/departures. It is very useful when the analysis interest only focuses on international travel.


There are 3 export possibilities for query results available in the tool bar: Excel, Excel1 and XML. To directly export the charts and graphs, there is a menu on the top right corner of each chart window for exporting them individually; chart type is available to change before exporting. API export is also available upon request (please contact your account manager).


A dataset in ForwardKeys database fed by GDSs. Fares dataset considers only fares among locations that have direct capacity connection on the ticketed dates. All fares are in US Dollars, with exchange rates applied at the time of ticketing. Fares do not include taxes and fees but do include agent commissions.


Equal to parameters, to be defined for any query at ForwardKeys to filter out results or configure the display of results. Most segmentations in query results are available as filters/parameters to be defined. Available parameters/filters are grouped in different sets and the essential groups include: Point of Interest, Travel Dates depending on the Module, Booking Dates, Trip Attributes, Destinations (in Departures module), Point of Sale, and Analysis. Other filter groups include: Normalization Dates, Inbound Gateways, Further Destinations, and Combined Steps. Available filters are subject to the contractual specifications.

Flight Origin

The first departure location of a scheduled direct flight. Note that direct flights may have one or more stopovers in between flight origin and flight destination.


An essential parameter to define the geographical granularity to what extend that the location information is shown. Options can range from airport terminals level to subcontinent level, subject to the contractual specifications. Granularity parameter is available for Trip Origin, Destination, Point of Sale, Inbound Gateways, Further Destinations, Combined Steps, etc.

Graph Colour Scheme

An option located in the tool bar that allows to choose between 15 available colour palettes for the graph display. Graph colour scheme can be changed after running a query, or pre-set under the Definitions & Preferences menu.

Graph Type

There are various types of graphs available for the time charts and results window, including stacked area, 100% stacked area, graph lines, 100% stacked lines and logarithmic scale, pie chart, parallel bars, etc.


Detail of the ranges used for the colour coding, that represents the variation vs. previous year in the calendar view.

Point of Interest (POI)

The location where the query is focused on. It is also the name of a group of parameters to be set up to launch the query.

  • In Arrivals or Overnights module, Point of Interest is the Destination.
  • In Departures module, Point of Interest is the Trip Origin (equal to Source Market).
  • In Continuing Departures module, Point of Interest can be either the Trip Origin or a stop during travellers’ trips from where the travellers have at least one other further destination to travel to.
  • In the Routes module, there are two POIs to be set up: POI-1 and POI-2. POI-1 is mandatory while POI-2 is optional.

Point of Sale (POS)

It is a segmentation, as well as a group of parameters to be defined for queries, availability subject to your contractual specifications. Point of Sale of Actual Air Reservations dataset is the location of the legal address of the travel agency through whom the booking was made, which may be different from the Trip Origin.


A parameter to define the time scale to what extent that the information is shown. Options can range from daily to yearly level of details, subject to contractual specifications.

Saved Queries

An option in the tool bar to save specific queries so that they can be retrieved at any time in the future by selecting them from the corresponding section.


Sections are different analyses types applied for each dataset. They can be accessed from the top bar and are available according to your contractual specifications. There are 6 sections available for Actual Air Reservations dataset: Travel History, On the Book, Forecast, Booking History, Booking Stock, and Benchmark. There is 1 section each for Seat Capacity dataset and Fares dataset: Capacity and Fares.


Available passenger booking and itinerary details in ForwardKeys that can be analysed. Essential ones for Actual Air Reservation dataset include: Trip Origins in the Arrivals or Overnights module (or Destinations in the Departures module), Length of Stay, Trip Duration, Pax per booking, Lead Times, Cabin, Pax Profiles, and Distribution Channels.

Source Market

Equal to the Trip Origin, a primary parameter available in the Trip Attributes group of the query parameters. It can be a subcontinent, a country, a city, an airport, or an airport terminal, subject to your contractual specifications in general and the geographical granularity that is defined for the specific queries.


A region with countries grouped together. ForwardKeys database follows the UNWTO definition and has 15 Subcontinents, including: North America (NAME), Caribbean (CRBN), Central America (CAME), South America (SAME), Northern Europe (NEUR), Western Europe (WEUR), Southern Europe (SEUR), Central/Eastern Europe (EEUR), North Africa (NAFR), South Africa (SAFR), Middle East (MIDE), South Asia (SASI), South East Asia (SEAS), North East Asia (NEAS) and Oceania (OCEA).

Ticketing Dates

A data parameter for querying Fares dataset, referring to the time period during which the bookings are ticketed. It is only available with monthly granularity, as Fares data is averaged out on a monthly basis.

Tool Bar

Located at the bottom of the query parameters and available for all sections. It includes utility options for customising the colour palette, capture the analysis (send results in pdf via email), schedule a recurrent report, export results in different file formats, and save the query.

Trip Origin

Equal to Source Market, a primary parameter available in the Trip Attributes group of the query parameters, referring to the starting location of the traveller’s air reservation itinerary. It can be a subcontinent, a country, a city, an airport, or an airport terminal, subject to your contractual specifications in general and the geographical granularity that is defined for the specific queries.

VAR% Y0 vs Y-1

Variation versus the previous period, expressed in percentage format.


The current travel or booking period that is being analysed. It corresponds to the time period defined in the first row in any date selector.


The time period to be defined to compare with Y0. It corresponds to the time period defined in the second row of any date selector. This is typically the period one year before the period being analysed.

Y-o-Y (Year-over-Year, Year-on-Year)

When comparing the results of the selected period with the same period during previous year, the variation calculated is a year-on-year variation.
This is also an option of result display in ForwardKeys database in Travel History and Booking History sections for Actual Air Reservations dataset. It is the default option. Switch to Advanced parameter panel view can will show the Y-o-Y (Year over Year) label appear above all the query parameters and allows to choose the Time Series option.

Weekly Frequency

A segmentation available in the Capacity dataset, referring to the number of times per week the flight is scheduled to operate under the same flight number.