New! The Traveller Statistics Forecasting module has recently been updated to include a Daily Forecasting feature as well as an extended version of the Monthly Forecasting report.
- Daily forecasting comprises:
- A daily view of departure traffic for the next three months, with forecast traffic volumes viewable from the subcontinent to airport level
- A continuous view of the 90 days ahead so that users can easily identify signs of volatility
- The ability to select any month or day and segment the analysis by nationality and domestic or international traffic to gain insight into the market of interest
- A ‘Y-3’ option to allow users to compare forecasts for 2022 against pre-pandemic traffic.
- Monthly forecasting comprises:
- An extended 12-month forecast that facilitates the creation of short-term business strategies targeting locations or nationalities by reporting on traffic flow at key countries and airports.
- A higher level of accuracy is due to the removal of the airline and journey-type segmentation options.
- A ‘Y-3’ option to allow users to compare forecasts for 2022 against pre-pandemic traffic.
Our ‘Forecasting’ module in Traveller Statistics now allows you to select the right time-scale of analysis, thanks to its three components: the 90-days, the 12-months and the 10-years forecasts