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As part of our commitment to ongoing innovation in global air travel data analysis, ForwardKeys has recently introduced a transformative addition to the popular Destination Gateway solution - the Outbound Market Trend view. This new addition is set to redefine how Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) leverage data for sustainable and effective tourism growth.

This new view, which is available in the Marketing module of Destination Gateway, is more than just a feature — it's a comprehensive tool designed to uncover emerging trends and insights, including the rise of new destinations, shifting traveller preferences, and key marketing opportunities throughout the year.

Now, DMOs can access detailed information about any current or potential source market of interest — including when people from that country typically travel to their destination, the yearly changes in the number of overnight stays, the most popular destinations from that country , and detailed profile information on international travellers originating there.

Here’s what makes it an indispensable asset for DMOs and other tourism professionals:

Inbound vs outbound seasonality

DMOs can compare global outbound seasonality trends with the inbound patterns of their destinations, gaining a holistic understanding of global air travel dynamics, and insights into how outbound market trends change according to season.

Understanding visitor preferences

By understanding the preferred destinations of specific source markets, DMOs can better position themselves to attract more visitors, as well as leverage this data to inform more visitor-focused tourism product development.

Competitive analysis

The new view  enables destination marketing organisations to compare their market share with competitors for selected source markets, providing a strategic edge.

Targeted marketing

By segmenting tourists from preferred markets, DMOs can execute highly targeted marketing campaigns, enhancing their promotional effectiveness.

Of course, the Outbound Market Trend view is just one aspect of what makes Destination Gateway an invaluable tool for DMOs. Its five modules, each with a range of data views, are relevant to specific use cases or organisational challenges, with easy access to all the information that you need to support decision-making and planning for your destination.

The intuitive interface facilitates analysis by any user regardless of their level of data literacy — helping you plan marketing strategies based on the seasonality and travel profiles of key audiences and monitor the performance of campaigns as reflected by tourist arrivals.

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