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Latin America is a region that has suffered great losses in the travel and tourism sector in the past three years due to the advent of Covid-19 and the respective governments' approach to border closures, travel rules and lack of flight connectivity.

Unlike some of its neighbours in Central America and the Caribbean, there was no open-door policy for international visitors or easy-to-understand measures put in place around the destination's reopening or vaccine requirements in many South American countries. Consequently, even in 2022 when the world started to see waves of tourists returning, most of the region didn’t see much progress in terms of travel recovery.

Yet there is potential in terms of traveller intent to fly across the Atlantic. The figures disclosed in this trends report for Latin America show that there is the promise of more international arrivals literally in the air. The region in H1 is just down by 5% versus 2019 levels, giving a sense of cautious optimism for our partners in the travel and tourism industry.

It’s just the end of summer in the southern hemisphere, but things are warming up for some parts of Latin America already. Read the full report to discover the merging trends and opportunities.


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