A filter and segmentation. As a filter, it includes all airlines with capacity in our application. As a segmentation, it enables users to sort their results by airlines travelled with.
Analysis (a group of parameters)
A group of parameters to be defined for the query result display details. It includes: Booking Signs, Scale (for analysis time period), (Geographical) Granularity (for Trip Origin markets), Analysis POI Arrival/Departure Points Type, and Categorisation.
Area extension
A filter which is used to define a radius in km around your selected residence area. It complements the pax residence filter.
Average fares (USD)
Price in US dollars of the full trip including all flights.
Calendar heatmap
An interactive tool available in all analysis views. Calendar heatmap displays the time scale selected and is colour-coded with the performance of each of the time units (displayed in days, weeks, months, quarters, etc.). Selecting a specific time period in the calendar heatmap adjusts the query result display accordingly. When the time scale is daily granularity, specific days of the week can be included/excluded by checking/unchecking the boxes next to their names. When the time scale is daily or weekly granularity, calendar heatmap can be switched to a more aggregated granularity (daily, switch to weekly or monthly, weekly switch to monthly) using the drop-down menu in the top-left corner.
Catchment area (module)
Catchment Area module helps the analyst to understand how the attractiveness of an airport and their competitors fluctuates for the travellers living nearby, who are expected to travel primarily from the selected airport. This attractiveness can be analysed by route, destination, airline and fare. These analyses are based on Flight Picks and they focus on the first stage of the trips where the point of interest is the first departing airport.
A display parameter in the Analysis group of parameters that define the categorisation of the query results. By default, query results are categorised depending on the selected module. Default categorisation can be customised in “Definitions & Preferences” menu.
Dates selector
Used to select the period of interest. The application will make sure that the dates selection is in line with the time granularity selection.
Departure time
An advanced segmentation available in the Point of Interest group of parameters for queries in Departures module for Actual Air Reservations dataset and Capacity dataset, referring to the local departure time at the Trip Origin(s). Categories are by hours and availability is subject to your contractual specifications.
A selector which sets the direction between POI-1 and POI-2. It allows the user to focus on searches from POI-2 as origin to POI-1 as destination (POI-2 → POI-1), from POI-1 as origin to POI-2 as destination (POI-1 → POI-2) or considering both POI-1 and POI-2 as origin and destination (non-directional).
Flight pick
A flight pick contains the details of the offer actually chosen by the traveller. These details include airline information and fares. Each search should lead to a “Flight Picks” in the best scenario but in reality, the number of searches far exceeds the number of Flight Picks due to several reasons such as a lack of non-stop routes, expensive fares and/or inappropriate departure/arrival times.
Flight picks (pax)
Number of passengers that have elected a trip after a search.
An essential parameter to define the geographical granularity to what extend that the location information is shown. Options can range from airport terminals level to subcontinent level, subject to the contractual specifications. Granularity parameter is available for Trip Origin, Destination, Point of Sale, Inbound Gateways, Further Destinations, Combined Steps, etc.
Graph type
There are various types of graphs available for the time charts and results window, including stacked area, 100% stacked area, graph lines, 100% stacked lines and logarithmic scale, pie chart, parallel bars, etc.
Haul length
An advanced parameter in the Trip Attributes group of parameters, referring to the travel distance between Trip Origin and Destination. There are two categories: short haul and long haul, which are separated by above or below 4000 kilometres between Trip Origin and Destination.
Detail of the ranges used for the colour coding, that represents the variation vs. previous year in the calendar view.
Metasearch engine
A type of search engine that collects the results from other search engine databases.
POI-1/Origin (Catchment Area module)
Filter and segmentation. It refers to the first departing location of the trip. The user must choose at least one location to run an analysis. Multiple selection is allowed and you can select airports, cities, countries and/or subcontinents. In other words, you can select your airport of interest and/or competitor airports here.
Pax per booking
A segmentation available in the Trip Attributes group of parameters, referring to the number of passengers under the same air reservation.
Pax residence area
A filter and a segmentation available in Travel Willingness and Catchment area modules. This is based on IP address geolocation data. It is an estimation of the real-world geographic location of the device (pc, tablet, smartphone…) used by the future traveller when it is connected to a local network. If the device is connected to a mobile network instead, the assigned IP address is that of a generic mobile operator network address and the location is inaccurate; ForwardKeys displays “Mobile Operator Network” for these cases. Searches and Flight Picks without a known location are omitted when selecting a location in the Pax residence area filter. The results can be displayed by subcontinent, country, city (with airport) or town level.
POI-1 (Travel Willingness module)
A filter and a segmentation. It refers to either an origin or a destination of the trip; the real definition will depend on the directional filter. The user must choose at least one location here to run an analysis. Multiple selection is allowed and you can select cities, countries and/or subcontinents. In other words, you can select your city of interest and/or competitor cities here. The segmentation to visualise this is called O&D.
A filter and a segmentation. It is either an origin or a destination of the trip; the real definition depends on the directional filter. This filter can be left in blank for global analyses related to the location(s) selected in POI-1. The segmentation to visualise this is called O&D.
Segment destination
A filter and a segmentation in the Catchment area module. It is the first flight destination after departing from the origin airport. It does not take into consideration the following steps the traveller might make. This is for route analysis.
A search contains the details of origin, destination, travel dates and number of passengers the traveller has provided in the search parameters. This reveals the true intention of the traveller regardless of any service limitation.
Searches (pax)
Number of passengers specified in the search. For one search with a selection of 5 passengers, we will see 5 pax here.
A filter and a segmentation. Each O&D pair has been classified as operated or non operated by crossing them with capacity. ForwardKeys classifies an O&D pair as non operated (unserved) when there are no non-stop services connecting the two cities. An O&D is considered as operated when it has scheduled seats – based on capacity – during the calendar year when the search is made. ForwardKeys takes the search date and checks if there were flights scheduled that year.
Show pax residence as
Defines how the pax residence area results will be displayed. Granularity options include towns, which are defined as cities without an airport.
Time granularity
Defines how the results will be aggregated in a time scale. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Triannual options are available.
Located at the bottom of the query parameters and available for all sections. It includes utility options for customising the colour palette, capture the analysis (send results in pdf via email), schedule a recurrent report, export results in different file formats, and save the query.
Travel Willingness (module)
Travel Willingness module allows analyses on the most searched O&D pairs, identify which of them remain unserved and evaluate the potential of opening new services thanks to frequency and fares analyses. Here, you can discover the link between search dates and travel dates and focus on a specific area of residence to drive your marketing actions to the right audience.
Trip Origin
A filter and a segmentation which refers to the origin of the trip in the itinerary, the segmentation is used to visualise the trip origin of the travellers.
True destination
A filter and a segmentation in the Catchment area module. It is the first destination where the traveller stays more than 24 hours (more than 1 day, end of trip and return home). If the traveller stays more than 24 hours in the segment destination, this and the true destination will be the same. This is used for O&D analysis in the Catchment Area module.
VAR% Y0 vs Y-1
Variation versus the previous period, expressed in percentage format.
The current travel or booking period that is being analysed. It corresponds to the time period defined in the first row in any date selector.
The time period to be defined to compare with Y0. It corresponds to the time period defined in the second row of any date selector. This is typically the period one year before the period being analysed.
Y-o-Y (Year-over-Year, Year-on-Year)
When comparing the results of the selected period with the same period during previous year, the variation calculated is a year-on-year variation.
This is also an option of result display in ForwardKeys database in Travel History and Booking History sections for Actual Air Reservations dataset. It is the default option. Switch to Advanced parameter panel view can will show the Y-o-Y (Year over Year) label appear above all the query parameters and allows to choose the Time Series option.